Please note: With In the Moment Support, you have 24/7/365, unlimited telephonic assistance from Resources for Living. Just call 1-833-657-2104 / TTY 711 or visit the Resources for Living website. You can also learn about the support services available to you by clicking on the Emotional Support and Talkspace tabs below.

Healthcare professionals

Welcome, MaineHealth Care Team Members!

MaineHealth has partnered with Aetna as our health plan administrator and offers two health plans: The Healthy Saver and the Healthy Select Plan.

Each plan provides high-quality health coverage, access to a broad network of national health care providers and facilities, and personalized care and support to help you on the path to your best health. Scroll down to learn more about how the two health plans work and how the wellness programs and services can help you.

Find a Provider

Saving money on your health care is also about making smart choices, like seeing Aetna network providers.

You can use the provider search tool to find doctors, hospitals, walk-in clinics and more than 20 other types of health care providers that take your insurance. Once you enter the provider search tool from this page, if you are a current member log in with your user name and password for the Aetna site.  If you aren’t a current member, please follow the steps for the “Continue as a guest” option on the right, and enter the home zip code to locate providers in the Aetna network.

Find a Provider in the Healthy Saver Plan network

Find a Provider in the Healthy Select Plan network

Not sure where to go for care? Learn more about your options.

You can also find pharmacies within the Aetna network. Once you enter the pharmacy search tool from this page, please select “Aetna National Pharmacy Network (most common)” in the "Select a Plan" drop down menu.

Your 2025 Benefits

We now offer infertility coverage…

As of January 1, 2024 we will be offering Infertility coverage through Progyny, a leader in fertility and family building. Progyny provides a comprehensive and inclusive benefit for every unique path to parenthood. Progyny’s mission is to provide a healthy, timely, and supported family building journey, and is committed to removing barriers to care so you and your doctor can create the customized treatment plan that is best for you.   

Members will receive a link and log in credentials to the Progyny portal upon completion of the health plan enrollment. 

Questions? Call Progyny at (866) 960-3560, Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST.

2025 Health Plans Overview

MaineHealth sponsors two health plans: the Healthy Saver Plan and the Healthy Select Plan. Both plans are administered through Aetna, cover preventive services at 100% and offer you a tax-advantaged savings opportunity. Both plans deliver high quality health coverage and offer access to quality healthcare providers, hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Depending on the health plan you choose and your specific healthcare needs, you may choose to get care from a Preferred, Participating, in-network or out-of-network provider or facility. Generally, the plan will pay more of the cost of care when you use a MaineHealth provider or MaineHealth facility.

Healthy Saver Plan Healthy Select Plan
Preventive services — check-ups, immunizations and routine screenings — covered at 100% in-network, meaning you pay nothing Preventive services — check-ups, immunizations and routine screenings — covered at 100% in-network, meaning you pay nothing
High deductible health plan (HDHP) design; compared to Healthy Select, you’ll pay less out of each paycheck and pay the full cost when you receive services until you meet your deductible Lowest annual upfront deductible
Includes a tax-advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA) with a MaineHealth contribution Receive care from physicians and facilities from either the Preferred Network (providers who work with MaineHealth) or the Participating Network (providers who are part of the Aetna Select Network))
Lower payroll deductions No coverage for out-of-network services, unless authorized by Aetna and unavailable in-network
High upfront annual deductible Required to choose a PCP to authorize referrals to see specialists or other providers
Can receive care from physicians and facilities in either the Preferred Network, the Participating Network or out-of-network  
Do not need PCP referrals to see specialists or other providers

Learn more about your health plan coverage by clicking on the Summary of benefits and coverage links below.




Your member website

The Aetna member website gives you quick and easier access to all of your important health plan information — all in one place. Once you're an Aetna® member, visit to create an account, log in to your member website, and get access to features that get you where you need to go:

  • Find your providers
  • Manage claims
  • See coverage and costs
  • Access programs to help you stay healthy

These tools help you make use of your benefits, find health resources and more — all directly from the Aetna member website.

Questions? Just call Aetna Concierge at 1-833-948-3540 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM.